The Rules
A summary of the Rules
Full Official Rules of the game can be found on the ITF Website >>
The surface is SAND!
Similar in size to a beach volleyball court, 16m long x 8m wide.
The net is set at 1.7m.
Usually doubles is played although singles can be played on a slightly smaller court, 16 metres by 4.5 metres.
Very similar scoring system is used as for regular tennis.
EXCEPT the following:
NO advantage after DEUCE. If you win the point at deuce you win the game
NO second service
NO service lets
A number of formats exist:
men’s doubles – (optional net height 1.8 m)
women’s doubles
mixed doubles
singles (played on a narrower court – 16 x 4.5m)
juniors – girls (12yrs and under net height 1.5m)
juniors – boys (12yrs and under net height 1.5m)
juniors – mixed (12yrs and under net height 1.5m)
Under and overarm serves are permitted
The server must serve from anywhere behind the baseline (feet must not be placed under the line when serving)
Either member of the receiving team may return the service
The ball does not have to be placed into any specific side of the opposing court during service
A point is won if:
the ball hits the ground in the opposing court
the opponents hit (or serve) the ball out or into the net